Souriau 3D models available from the web!

01/01/2014 is a well-known website offering the ability to download 3D models of various components. It is used by design engineers who want to integrate purchased components in their design. SOURIAU & Traceparts: a new partnership In order to facilitate the integration of some of our connectors, SOURIAU and Traceparts have worked together to integrate SOURIAU products lines: 8DA, 8LTA, 8533 Hermetic, 8D Integrated Backshell and 8STA Series. Any design engineer wanting to integrate a SOURIAU connector, will be able to download one of the 850 models after a few configuration clicks. Previous to any download, a user has to register in few seconds (Name, Company …).

There are different ways to access to a 3D model:

1. Access directly with a part number

2. Access with keys words (EN2997, PCB, …)

3. Access through folders For the 3nd and 3rd ways, there is the possibility to use a part number configurator.